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My Dentistry by Design Blog

What’s It Actually Like to Live with Dental Implants?

June 10, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentistrybydesignteam @ 5:44 am
Someone with a nice smile

Dental implants have risen to become one of the most popular and celebrated methods of tooth replacement, which both dentists and patients touting what this treatment is capable of. They’re famously durable and stable, offering patients much greater utility than dentures and dental bridges.

While that’s all good to know, it doesn’t tell you much about what it’s actually like to have dental implants. How do they feel? How will I maintain them? How will they change my life?

If you want to learn more about what dental implants can do for you, here’s what you should know about what living with them will be like.


Don’t Try to Be Tougher Than These Four Types of Toothaches

April 8, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentistrybydesignteam @ 9:08 pm
Woman with jaw pain and phone

You shouldn’t think of your toothache as a common annoyance. Despite the name, toothaches can be more severe than your average aches and pains. Your body could be trying to tell you that something is wrong with your oral health.

“But pain is subjective!” You might be thinking. “I’m fine, I can take it!”

Even if you’re on the higher end of the pain tolerance scale, this list of toothache textures will tell you whether you should call your emergency dentist. After reading what your symptoms could indicate, you might not be so inclined to tough it out.   


3 Questions to Ask Your Dentist to Learn More About Your Smile

February 2, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentistrybydesignteam @ 3:14 am
patient talking to their dentist

Sometimes, it can be a little bit difficult to convince patients that it’s worthwhile to see a dentist for a checkup. After all, if nothing is wrong with your teeth, why should you need to talk to someone who fixes them?

Part of the answer is that checkups are about more than just cleanings and x-rays. Taking care of your teeth is much easier if you understand your oral health well, and asking questions to your dentist is an excellent way to learn more. If you have a checkup soon, here are some things it might be smart to talk about.


Facing Age: How Your Dentist Can Reverse the Clock

December 5, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentistrybydesignteam @ 5:30 pm
Older man having work done by a dentist

Aging changes your body in many ways and your teeth are not exempt from the effects of time. Whether they look faded or have shifted out of place over the years, it’s natural for your grin to appear a little worn in your later years. Fortunately, though, cosmetic dentistry provides multiple treatments that can visually turn back the clock and restore a more youthful smile. Keep reading to learn about 3 changes your mouth goes through, and your dentist can help!


The Top 5 Reasons You Should Go All-in on Dental Veneers

October 13, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentistrybydesignteam @ 2:02 pm
A woman having her veneers placed on her teeth

Dental veneers are an increasingly popular restoration treatment that has helped thousands of people fall in love with their smiles. Using thin, but durable ceramic shells, your dentist can completely change the look of your smile, customizing it to your preferences.

If you’ve been weighing the decision on whether or not to get veneers, continue reading. You’ll find five great reasons to take the plunge.


When Should You Get Dentures After a Tooth Extraction?

August 31, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 7:35 am
A dentist explaining denture wait time to a patient

Even if you want dentures at once, you may need preliminary work first. More specifically, perhaps your dentist will pull teeth to make room for the restorations. In that case, though, a question arises: How long must you wait to get dentures after a tooth extraction? Depending on the answer, you’ll have to adjust your schedule accordingly. Luckily enough, your Bartlesville dentist is here with some guidance. Read on to learn the factors involved in your wait for dentures post-extraction.


When Is It Safe for My Child to Receive Fluoride?

July 5, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentistrybydesignteam @ 3:16 pm
small child brushing teeth

Ensuring your child’s teeth and gums receive the best protection against cavities and tooth decay is of the utmost importance, even from a young age. Fluoride toothpaste is widely endorsed by dental professionals, but the question of the right amount and the appropriate age to introduce it into their daily routine remains an ongoing discussion. Continue reading to learn if this natural mineral is safe for growing smiles and when a child should start using fluoride to protect their beam.


How Temperature Can Potentially Affect Sleep Apnea

May 2, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentistrybydesignteam @ 4:16 am
a person sleeping at night in a cool bedroom

Sleep apnea is a very serious and widespread issue—did you know that it affects millions of people each night; about one in every fifteen people? It’s characterized by pauses in breathing during sleep that is often marked by chronic snoring, among other symptoms—but the loss of sleep is far from the only problem that can result from the condition, and if left untreated, severe health complications can arise. That said, the cause of sleep apnea isn’t always clear and there are normally many factors worth analyzing when trying to determine the cause of the condition. One of these conditions is actually temperature! Keep reading to learn more about this connection.


Are Your Invisalign Aligners Turning Yellow? Here’s What to Know!

April 23, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentistrybydesignteam @ 4:24 am
a woman smiling with her clear Invisalign aligners

Millions of smiles have been straightened without the metal brackets and wires of traditional braces. Yes, that’s right…Invisalign has changed the game of orthodontics! No longer do people have to live with their crooked teeth or avoid showing their metal braces. By wearing a series of clear aligners, your teeth can be moved into their desired position without virtually anyone noticing. But what if you have noticed your aligners have recently turned yellow? Read on to learn the causes of the discoloration and what you can do to return to undetectable orthodontic treatment with Invisalign.


Are Invisalign and Bruxism a Bad Mix?

March 23, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentistrybydesignteam @ 11:40 pm

Clear aligner on dental moldThe alignment of your teeth is important for more than just a beautiful smile. Their positions also affect your oral health and functions. Alignment issues can affect your bite, which can trigger a subconscious habit of grinding or clenching your teeth from uneven pressure distribution. You have more options than ever to fix bite and alignment issues, like clear aligners. Instead of brackets and wires, clear aligners are worn over your teeth to move them into their best positions. Don’t worry if you have bruxism, you may still be a candidate for Invisalign.


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